Help Us
At BSC we raise money in many different ways. We are always looking to generate income so that the good work of the BSC can continue. We take free will offerings at services and receive income from the rental of The Clifton Centre and KEA Club, in addition, we make use of any grants we be may eligible for.
Most of our income is used to maintain the building to a high standard so that it is safe and comfortable enviroment for the Church and the services it offers. Our Founder, Minister, Trustees and Volunteers give freely of their time.
Ways you can help:
In Person
We take a free will offerings at all services, so please feel free to give what you can afford
By Volunteering
We are always looking for helping hands do things if you think you can help just email or speak to a trustee
If you wish to help the Bicester Spiritualist Church you can by clicking the donate button any amount is gratefully received and will be used for the benefit of the Church and its congregation
©2020 Bicester Spiritualist Church